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How was your experience with Catholic Social Services?

Thank you for taking the time to read through this message. We understand that your time is valuable, and we appreciate your willingness to participate in this survey. Our team at Catholic Social Services is committed to continuously improving our services, and your feedback is essential to achieving this goal. To this end, our volunteer researcher and Nebraska Wesleyan University student, Sharmoo She has created this survey.  

We want to assure you that your participation in this survey is entirely voluntary. You have the right to decline participation or withdraw at any time. We understand that there may be various reasons for this, and we respect your decision. 

In case you decide to proceed with the survey, we kindly request your consent to participate. If you have any questions or concerns about the survey, please do not hesitate to reach out to us. We are here to help and will do our best to address any concerns you may have. 

Sharmoo Shee

Catholic Social Services

Communication Studies Research Methods Professor

Once again, thank you for considering participating in our survey. Your feedback will help us improve our services, and we look forward to hearing your thoughts.

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1. Have you ever used the services Catholic Social Services before? 
2. Do you think Catholic Social Services is accessible to everyone in your community?
3.Should Catholic Social Services consider extending its services beyond their office locations other than Auburn, Hastings, Imperial and Lincoln?
4. Would you say that you feel safe and trust the staff of Catholic Social Services when using their services? 
5. Do you think Catholic Social Services is doing a good job in serving the community? 
6. How did you first hear about Catholic Social Services? 
7. On a scale of 1 to 4, how satisfied were you with the services provided by Catholic Social Services? *
8. On a scale of 1 to 4, how well did Catholic Social Services meet your needs?
Not Met
Greatly Met
9. How likely are you to recommend Catholic Social Services to someone in need? 
Not unlikely
10. Do you have any comments or suggestions?
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