Our event will feature choirs from several local parishes and organizations, seasonal meditations, and plenty of Hope in the Good Life stories! Click here to follow our Facebook Event for the latest event updates and highlights.
Your partnership with us will provide crucial services for families left homeless because of domestic violence:
It costs us $16,000/year to house a woman and her children through our St. Gianna Program. The need is continuous. Our services are the most important work in this world: protecting women and children from danger, abuse, death, and abortion. There is no cost to attend Carole Fest. But would you consider making a donation to this event? We hope to raise $60,000 this year through Carole Fest so we can provide security for three women and their families for a year. Thank you for your consideration. May God bless you, your family, and your loved ones this Christmas season!
Please mail check/cash donations to:
Catholic Social Services
PO Box 30425
Lincoln NE 68503
Please note "Carole Fest" on your check or include a note. Thank you!
Barb Custer
Patricia Jones
Larry and Shana McClellen
Edward Jones Doug Pfeifer
Allan and Ruth Slattery
Vinton Enterprises Fireworks