Your partnership with us will provide crucial services through our Hastings St. John Vianney Center:
The delivery of our services to the poor and vulnerable looked a little different the past couple of years, but in many cases, the obstacles staff and volunteers overcame to serve clients made 2021 one of our most memorable years. Despite pandemic challenges, we spent the same amount of hours visiting over the phone with clients, listening to their struggles, and offering them our prayers and financial assistance. Our food recovery and distribution maintained its regular routes delivering 205 tons of food to the 16-County area. CSS also provided nearly 30,000 sack lunches in the greater Hastings area in collaboration with Open Table. This year’s Bountiful Harvest Celebration will take place on Sunday, November 14th, and will once again be virtual. We will celebrate how our staff and volunteers, with the support of donors like you, brought hope to those in need. We are also excited to introduce John McDonald as our new Hastings Regional Director. God bless and thank you for your partnership and leadership in the community. Together, we will continue to bring Hope in the Good Life!