Trumpet Fest 2024

Sunday, February 18th 2 PM | St. Joseph Church, Lincoln

Please join us for a musical afternoon supporting HOPE IN THE GOOD LIFE!

If you can't make it to Trumpet Fest in person, we're "passing the (virtual) hat" for donations to our work- use the online form below to support HOPE IN THE GOOD LIFE!

Yes! I'll help bring HOPE IN THE GOOD LIFE to my Nebraska neighbors in need!

Donor Information
Address Line 1
Address Line 2
Postal Code
Phone Type
Credit Card Information

Your security code is the 3-digit code at the end of the signature field on your card's back.

Cover the fee associated with this online transaction?
Cover the fee associated with this online transaction?
Your total payment will be
Your credit balance will cover
Your credit card will be charged
Your bank account will be charged

Your help is vital to ensure we can continue to help the hungry, abused, and marginalized of the community- your funds will go directly to help your neighbors in need in the area. Thank you for your partnership and leadership!

If you have trouble with this form, we want to know! Just click here and reach out to us via our contact form and tell us the details. We'll look into it right away. Thank you for your help and support!