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By John McDermott
Vice President, Marketing & Development
Catholic Social Services of Southern Nebraska

Around this time each year, it’s natural for us to look back and feel grateful for God’s countless blessings. For me, during the Christmas season and at the start of a new year, I thank God for all that He has done for me over the past year – not just in my personal life, but in my work life. I’m blessed to work at Catholic Social Services and am so thankful for my co-workers, our volunteers, and those who support our mission through prayers and with material and monetary donations. I’m also blessed to have the opportunity from time to time to see how grateful those who come to CSS for assistance are for any help we can provide.

By Elaine Simpson
Child Care Director
Catholic Social Services


“Jesus our brother, kind and good was humbly born in a stable rude....”
- from “The Friendly Beasts,” a song by Robert Davis

As we move into the last Sunday of Advent and prepare to celebrate Christmas, let’s pause and remember that this Baby who was born in a humble stable more than 2,000 years ago is the real reason for celebrating. This kind and good Brother who came to earth to be our Savior is really who brings us joy and salvation!

What does it mean to be a part of the CSS Legacy of Hope Society? It means that through your generosity, you can support CSS in different ways, long into the future. Chris Raun of the Catholic Foundation of Southern Nebraska explains several financial strategies designed to not only support CSS but also provide tax breaks to benefit you and/or your family.

Nebraska Catholic Conference

On the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, the Catholic bishops of Nebraska shared a letter (in English and in Spanish) with migrants across the state, expressing the bishops’ compassion, solidarity, and support for immigrants in Nebraska, including those concerned about the possibility of mass deportations.

Hastings Catholic Schools

More than 100 students from St. Cecilia High School in Hastings traveled into the surrounding community Nov. 20 to share the love of Christ through service.

Students were accompanied by all high school faculty members and 10 volunteers. To start the day, students were split into groups and assigned work schedules. Service groups spent the school day visiting and lending a hand at 15 homes, two nursing homes, the Good Samaritan Village, Catholic Social Services, two small businesses and all the neighbors surrounding the St. Cecilia campus.

By Katie Patrick

As the holiday season approaches and twinkling lights and Christmas wreaths adorn streetscapes across Southern Nebraska, a unifying theme of the Christ-child shines through the windows of our Gift & Thrift stores.

By Levi Baus,
Volunteer Coordinator in Lincoln

“O God, who wonderfully created the dignity of human nature and still more wonderfully restored it, grant, we pray, that we may share in the divinity of Christ, who humbled himself to share in our humanity.”
— Collect for Mass during the Day, the Solemnity of Christmas

Southern Nebraska Register 

The Auburn Chamber of Commerce named St. Francis Gift & Thrift (SFGT), owned and operated by Catholic Social Services of Southern Nebraska (CSS), its “Business of the Year.”

On October 18, 2024, Catholic Social Services of Southern Nebraska (CSS) welcomed author Stephanie Saldaña to Lincoln for a dinner with around 40 local Syrian, Iraqi, and Yazidi refugees and as part of a tour across the United States for Saldaña’s most recent book, What We Remember Will Be Saved: A Story of Refugees and the Things They Carry (2023).

Here's a short and sweet recipe that's perfect for an easy breakfast (or snack) prep- take two simple ingredients and turn them into delicious pumpkin muffins!

Success depends on cooperation of all parishioners in the diocese

By S.L. Hansen
for the Register

It’s not enough to encourage (a woman without support) to have her baby. She needs more than that, for quite some time. “We’ll walk with them however long they need.”

Pro-life people from across the diocese have shown their support of children and families in need through the annual diaper drive hosted by the Lincoln Diocesan Council of Catholic Women (LDCCW).

“It saved my life being here,” says Stephanie and current resident of St. Gianna Women’s Home in Lincoln. During Domestic Violence Awareness Month, Stephanie talks about her life as a victim of domestic violence that included having her leg run over by a truck, black eyes, bruised ribs, being strangled, and a lot of verbal abuse - all things she began to accept as normal in a relationship. Now she has a full-time job, people at St. Gianna’s she calls family, and a whole different outlook on life that is full of hope.

Two decades of serving Southeast Nebraskans will be celebrated Saturday, Oct. 5. Read all about it in the 9/26 edition of the Nemaha County Herald.

CSS is celebrating TWO DECADES of southeastern Nebraska HOPE IN THE GOOD LIFE on October 5. We'll have food trucks, face painting, fun contests/freebies, and more. Auburn Regional Director April Boellstorff joins us to talk a little about the history of St. Francis Gift and Thrift and why it is such a special place for those in need in southeast Nebraska.

By Paula Schlotterbeck
Digital Media Manager,
Catholic Social Services of Southern Nebraska

Time and time again, a fruit-filled wicker basket on St. Francis Gift & Thrift’s counter shares apples, oranges, and our Auburn team’s Christ-like love for the community.

by Katie Patrick

Isolation, as defined by Merriam-Webster, is 1) the act of isolating or the condition of being isolated; and 2) to set apart from others.
In 2012, David committed a crime and was sentenced to 12 years at the Nebraska State Penitentiary.

Twelve years is a long time. In the beginning, his girlfriend and friends visited him, as well as a couple of brothers and a sister. His mom visited weekly, despite the long drive. But as time went on, his friends became too busy, and his girlfriend moved on. By the time he neared release, only his mother remained a steadfast visitor.

By Jamie Carson
CSS Director of Sustainability

Imagine how watching a sunset creates a peace – a resolve that can be found in witnessing God’s creation.

Here in Nebraska, it’s fabled that summer holds our brightest and boldest sunsets, displaying the elements, shadows, and light bound up to create color in the sky. As summer turns to fall, it’s as if the sunsets dim and colors move to the changing leaves.

On Sept. 1, we entered into the Catholic Church’s “Season of Creation,” a time when we can be reminded of God’s great love for us by stopping to marvel at the world that he created for us.

KLKN visited our executive director and two supporters about our critical need for diaper donations.

"John draws his inspiration from the apostles, who got fed up with listening to endless discussions about problems without ever solving those problems. In contrast, the apostles saw these problems and took action. John calls this the 'spirit of a disciple.'"
Our latest #HopeintheGoodLife newsletter shares more about the 2024 Love of Christ award winner John Brooks, who embodies the "spirit of a disciple in action. " We invite you to join us "in action" on September 29th at our Bountiful Harvest celebration in Hastings!

by Katie Patrick

On a swelteringly hot day in August, dozens of Knights and their families rallied around Mike Hosek, a member of St. Patrick Parish in Lincoln, as he led the fourth annual “Walk to End Hunger” event. What began in 2021 as a community engagement initiative through his employer, Better Life Insurance Agency, continues today under its sponsorship and the volunteer leadership of Mike and the Knights of Columbus.

During challenging times, it's essential to reflect on our blessings and consider sharing them with others. Including CSS in your will, trust, or other financial plans is an act of love and stewardship, creating a Legacy of Hope. In this podcast, we preview our Legacy of Hope presentation at CSS in Lincoln on August 22 at 7 pm. Scott Yates from the Catholic Foundation of Southern Nebraska gives us an idea of what you can do to have peace of mind and ensure that your values and priorities are honored long after you’ve left this earth.

By Katie Patrick

If you’ve recently experienced the intense heat and storms sweeping through southern and eastern Nebraska, you might be reflecting on the transient nature of our lives and the importance of planning for the future – or more likely, you’re dealing with tree limbs and spoiled food having gone too long without electricity. In any case, last week, as I navigated through the strong winds and a downpour on my way to our office in Hastings, my own thoughts turned to the need for preparedness. The chaotic weather was a reminder of how life can change in an instant and underscored the importance of planning for the future.

The 2024 Walk to End Hunger event August 4 has a goal of 35,000 pounds of food and dollars to support the CSS Food Market in Lincoln. Organizer Mike Hosek and Food Market Manager Kristina Brandl talk about how that goal will be reached and how desperate the need is to nourish our neighbors and bring Hope in the Good Life.

Inspired by the spirit and love of Saint Elizabeth of Hungary, our CSS Food Market and Meal Program strives to provide nourishment and intentional care for those in need. Our July Hope in the Good Life newsletter shares more about the life of St. Elizabeth and how our program honors dignity with nutritious meals.

Our latest Patron newsletter shares stories of HOPE IN GOOD LIFE from all across southern Nebraska!

by Katie Patrick

As a nonprofit organization, it can be tempting to gauge our success solely by quantitative measures—how many diapers are distributed, how much rental assistance given, how many pounds of food provided—especially given the requirements of our funders and grants.

However, at CSS, we strive to balance these metrics with a commitment to quality over quantity, ensuring that each individual we serve receives the attention and care he or she deserves.

On a recent Spirit Catholic Mornings appearance, CSS Immigration Legal Services team member Bradley Brestel shared his journey to the Catholic faith.

Several local businesses have come together to present a used vehicle, along with the money they raised, to a family who recently endured the heartbreaking loss of their unborn child following an auto accident that also totaled their car. CSS teamed up with a group called BNI to provide this hope on wheels. In this episode, Kendall Warnock of A1 Automotive and Todd Speidell of Eustis Body Shop shares how fulfilling it is to bring this Hope in the Good Life.

RUNBORN has raised over $101,000 for St. Gianna Women's Homes and the Women's Care Center of Lincoln over four years and it's time for the 2024 challenge.

Southern Nebraska Register 

Steve Sousek, a member of North American Martyrs Parish in Lincoln, will embark on a 520-mile route June 22-26 to benefit RUNBORN, an entity supporting women and children in crisis, and unborn children.

Sousek created RUNBORN in 2020 and participated in events to raise funds for the Women’s Care Center and St. Gianna Women’s Home in Lincoln. The events have raised more than $101,000.

See highlights of our HOPE IN THE GOOD LIFE impact during the first three months of 2024.

We're now accepting golf registrations and sponsorships for our 2024 CSS Golf Classic! Our event is on MONDAY, August 5th, at Hillcrest Country Club in Lincoln.

Catholic Social Services of Southern Nebraska (CSS) has greatly benefited from its longstanding partnership with Sandhills Global. Jim Hansen, Outreach Coordinator for Sandhills Global, emphasizes how their mission aligns with CSS in providing "Hope in the Good Life” for many across Nebraska.

"Last week, as my 'Messages of Hope' article for the week came due, I sent an email to our team in Hastings, and to the marketing and development team, asking them to share some reflections on the “Give Hastings Day” that took place Thursday, May 2.

At Catholic Social Services of Southern Nebraska, we are blessed with generous contributions of time, talent, and treasure. This past week, from April 21-27, CSS celebrated those who donate their time and talent as volunteers in Auburn, Hastings, Imperial, and Lincoln during National Volunteer Week.

Incredibly, CSS notched 24,000 volunteer hours across southern Nebraska in 2023, and there’s room for more volunteers in 2024 as we endeavor to respond to our community’s needs. This includes families in need of food and financial support, women experiencing domestic violence, refugees and immigrants building a new life in our communities, and more.

In Matthew’s Gospel, Jesus says to his disciples in chapter 9, “The harvest is good but laborers are scarce.”

We have all heard that passage in the past, but have we taken it to heart? It’s something to consider as we celebrate National Volunteer Appreciation Week April 21-27 across this country.

By Dennis Kellogg
Director of Communications

Nebraskans will have the chance to participate in a first-of-its-kind fundraiser involving all three dioceses May 1. The Nebraska Catholic Day of Giving will give Catholics across the state and beyond the opportunity to financially support parishes, schools and ministries throughout Nebraska.

CSS Executive Director Katie Patrick shared our critical need for good used furniture and how your donations will help a wide variety of neighbors.

If it weren't for our volunteers, CSS would not be able to accomplish the works of mercy for so many through our various programs and services. In honor of National Volunteer Week, Mike and Aggie Gesch talk about their work as volunteers in the CSS Lincoln Food Market, and the fact that they are both inspired and humbled to help provide more Hope in the Good Life to so many.

LINCOLN–(KFOR Apr. 16)–There’s an urgent need for donated furniture from Catholic Social Services of Southern Nebraska.

“Requests for furniture are running nearly double the usual demand,” says Katie Patrick, CSS Executive Director. “Those requests come from more than two dozen human service agencies in Lincoln that are trying to help their clients, plus we have a need for used furniture for our own clients.”

"Unwavering service to others" defines both St. Padre Pio and our loyal CSS volunteers. Learn more about both in our April newsletter.

by Katie Patrick

Remember that time you were in a pinch and the Lord answered your prayers? He does that often, doesn’t He? We plan and prepare, then something goes wrong and we worry, and feel anxious. Maybe we hurriedly whisper a few prayers out of concern for the situation at hand, but then He shows up and everything just falls into place.

CSS is asking the public’s help to fulfill an urgent need for donated furniture to assist those in need. This news release outlines the reasons and how you can help through our Spring Furniture Drive

Whenever you put an ‘e’ in front of something, it usually means ‘electronic.’ When it comes to Catholic Social Services of Southern Nebraska (CSS) and our e-commerce offerings, the ‘e’ could also mean evangelize, extra, and environmental. CSS Director of E-commerce Mario Racicot talks about how his work fits in with the CSS core value of Sustainability.

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