Diana Amaya
Interim Hastings Regional Director
Osman Aponte Duque
Truck Driver and Warehouse Support Specialist
Martha Arevalo
St. Louise Gift & Thrift Store Associate
Safiullah Arsala
Driver/Interpreter, Refugee Resettlement
Sandy Brophy
Hastings Thrift Store Associate
Jolene Frook
Organizational Resilience Specialist
Martin Garcia
Maintenance & Facilities Coordinator
Tessa Gourka
Child Care Teacher
Argelis Guevara Suarez
Truck Driver and Warehouse Support Specialist
Diane Hartz
St. Louise Gift & Thrift Store Associate
Susan McKedy
Hastings Thrift Store Associate
Colleen Michels
St. Louise Gift & Thrift Store Associate
Joan Milligan
Auburn Thrift Store Associate
Raquel Montoya
Child Care Teacher
Yonattan Morillo Hernandez
Truck Driver and Warehouse Support Specialist
Caroline Nebel
Sustainability Associate
Julie Perry
St. Francis Gift & Thrift Assistant Manager & Programs Support
Nadia Peterchuk
Sustainability Associate
Johnny Ray
Maintenance & Facilities Assistant
Cortez Ruiz
UNL Law Intern for ILS
Jodi Sand
St. Louise Gift & Thrift Store Associate
Marie Schreier
St. Louise Gift & Thrift Store Associate
Kelan Schumacher
Hastings Temporary Warehouse Assistant
Lynn Silvey-Halama
St. Francis Gift & Thrift Store Manager
Sandra Svajdlenka
Lincoln Office Manager
Jessica Valdez
UNL Law Intern for ILS
Rebeccah Walker
Child Care Teacher
Vance Weninger
E-commerce Intern
Nazifa Sayedzada
St. Louise Gift & Thrift Store Associate